Creating an unique apartment gift basket, no matter what their contents are gifts that are always appreciated, but when the apartment gift basket is completely unique and unexpected it can create a lot of “buzz” and become a gift that is talked about for a long time.
Coming up with a truly unique apartment sized gift basket depends on what the occasion is and how creative the person is who is giving the gift. Sometimes, it isn’t that the gift basket is full of never before seen items, but rather that it is obvious that a lot of thought and planning went into the gift.
Here are some gift basket ideas that can be categorized as extremely unique. Some are unique because of the uncommon and unusual items that they are made up of. Some are defined as unique because of the occasion they were created for. And some are considered unique because of their “Awwwww, that’s so sweet!” factor.
Gift Baskets
Let’s begin at the very beginning, with new babies. When the announcement is made that a new baby is on the way, it is the same as shouting, “Let the present-giving commence!” There are so many occasions to present gifts connected with a new little one and rightly so. A new baby represents a major change in a family’s life and it is very commendable for everyone who cares for this burgeoning family unit to want to help out wherever they can.
Even so, there are an awful lot of occasions connected with a new baby that call for some sort of gift. There is the baby shower, the first visit after the baby’s birth. Sometimes, there is a baptism or christening and then in the coming year there are all of the holidays that are all “firsts” for the little tyke.
Finally, the first year ends on the toddler’s first birthday. With all of these events and opportunities for all of the friends and relatives to give gifts, what are the odds that you will be able to come up with a gift that is truly unique and memorable?
Gift Baskets
Don’t despair! Things are not as bleak as they seem. With all of the thousands of ideas out there, odds are that the person you wish to dazzle has not heard of them all. Coming up with a gift basket that is unique and exciting and fun just takes a little ingenuity. It can be done and here are some ideas to help get your imagination and ideas flowing so that you can take any of these and build on them or go ahead and duplicate them outright.
The first special baby gift basket is based on a theme and that theme is sleep. Ah, blessed sleep. Something that new parents never seem to get enough of. This gift basket will not only be very appreciated but its presentation makes it even more unforgettable. Purchase a small doll buggy or cradle from the toy department as the foundation to put all of the items in. If the baby is a little boy, and you don’t feel comfortable giving a doll cradle, place all of the gifts in a “Moses basket”. These are soft-sided long baskets with handles meant to place and carry newborns in.
Gift Baskets
Now that you have the base for your Sleepy Baby Gift Basket, place in it items that all relate to a good night’s sleep for baby (and parents). Items to include could be super soft sleeper pajamas and a cuddly blanket and a small teddy bear. A white noise machine that emits a variety of water, nature, “whooshing” or heartbeat sounds can help lull the baby to sleep. This device is amazing because it not only helps put the baby to sleep, at the same time it helps keep him or her from hearing and waking at every noise or sound that emits from the rest of the activities in the house.
Another item that could be included is a device that shines the constellations on the ceiling as they slowly rotate and as it plays a quiet lullaby. Still other items to include are aromatherapy lotion, powder and cleanser set that is targeted to enhance relaxation and sleep and a baby pillow that has been personalized with the baby’s name and includes a fabric photograph of the baby. These are just some of the ideas that you could include in this sleepy baby themed gift basket.
Gift Baskets
Another great baby or child gift basket idea is to take a small or regular sized red wagon and fill it with every young child’s board games, puzzles and card games that you can. Every child enjoys games like Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders and would love to receive not only the games and puzzles, but also the wagon. One extra tip; personalized wooden puzzles of the child’s name can be purchased at most craft sales or can be ordered online. This little item can really add that special touch.
One last idea for a new baby gift basket. This one may not be a cute as the other two, but it is very special and will provide the child with years of interest. The idea of this gift basket is to give the baby a head start on a hobby that may last a lifetime.
The choice is up to you. It could be stamp collecting, coin collecting, autograph collection, baseball cards or really anything that you feel the child might wish to take up and hopefully continue. For the “basket”, purchase a small fireproof lock box that can be found at any office supply store to place the items in. Sure, this gift may not look as soft and cuddly as the other baby gifts, but it will probably be the most talked about gift. What is really great about this gift is that you can add to the child’s collection every birthday or holiday.
Gift Baskets
Now, let’s move on to a different occasion to give a apartment gift basket. It hurts a lot when someone that you care about isn’t feeling well. They could really use a helping hand, maybe some company and definitely some cheering up. Get a small magazine rack from the housewares section of any department store and fill it with magazines, TV listing guide, puzzle books, cards or an electronic handheld game of solitaire, poker or Sudoku and some cans or packets of soup.
Do you have a child who is moving out on their own or leaving for college? A great gift basket is to buy a good quality hard-sided piece of luggage. Inside include items like an engraved brass luggage tag with their name, address and phone number on it, some gift certificates to nationwide restaurants and pizza chains and food for their apartment or dorm room like macaroni and cheese, raman noodles and microwave popcorn. (Because we all know that is what they will live on anyway.)
Also include an electric coin sorter. (Because we also know that they will sometimes need to gather all of their change in order to survive.) And if they will be living or attending school out of state, include favorite food items or even a subscription to the local hometown newspaper or anything that they may miss from home.
Gift Baskets
When someone graduates school and lands their first job, unique gift ideas are a “Decorate Your Apartment” gift basket. Include everything from tasteful to gaudy that they could use to decorate their new office or work area. Some of the more uncommon items could be including a bobble head figure for their desk that looks just like the recipient.
There are companies that can create this item by using a picture of the person that you provide. There are also companies that sell 1 share of stock of any company listed and include a framed stock certificate. You could include 1 share of stock in the new company that they now work for or of a company that may share their last name. Someone with the last name of McDonald would love to have a framed certificate that shows ownership in that company hanging on their office wall.
Gift Baskets
These are only some of the unique apartment sized gift basket ideas that you could use. Really, it is just the tip of the iceberg. The possibilities to create a unique and memorable gift are truly endless. Enjoy creating your own unique gift basket and if you become a pro at it, you may have just created a new business venture for yourself.
Bridlewood on Westland Apartments in Knoxville
8700 Hopemont Way
Knoxville, TN 37923